Constantia Finance Partners Pty Ltd ABN 32 605 334 790 is committed to providing a fantastic client experience each and every time you engage us to assist. We are full members of the Mortgage and Finance Association of Australia (MFAA) and are subject to the MFAA Code of Practice as well as being members of The Australian Financial Complaints Authority (ACFA), an independent external dispute resolution scheme.
The ACFA rules require you to attempt to resolve your complaints with the member of the ACFA (Constantia Finance Partners Pty Ltd ABN 32 605 334 790) in the first instance via our Internal Dispute Resolution (IDR) process. If the matter is not resolved to your satisfaction through Constantia’s IDR process, then you are able to lodge the compliant with ACFA for them to consider. If you lodge a complaint with the ACFA before Constantia has had an opportunity to resolve the complaint with you directly, ACFA will refer it to Constantia before it can be considered further.
Internal Dispute Resolution (IDR) Process
If there is ever an occasion where you are not fully satisfied with a service offered to you by us, we ask that you first speak with the Constantia Finance relationship manager that was assisting you. If you are unhappy with the response you receive from your relationship manager, you can ask to have the matter referred to our Complaints Manager. Importantly, no fee is payable for an IDR service through Constantia.
The Complaints Manager can be contacted at:
Constantia Finance Partners Pty Ltd
PO Box 2046
Bondi Junction NSW 1355
Phone: 0416 279 985
All forms of complaints will be registered on our Central Complaints Register and a letter of Acknowledgement will be forwarded to you by the Constantia Finance Partners Complaints Manager. We will also request that you complete a Constantia Finance Partners Complaints form and provide any supporting documentation and/or relevant file information to the Constantia Finance Partners Complaints Manager.
Upon receipt of the Complaints Form and all supporting documentation, the matter will be investigated and dependant on the circumstances a resolution provided to you by the Constantia Finance Partners Complaints Manager within 45 days. Should an adequate response not be provided to you within 45 days, the Constantia Finance Partners Complaints Manager must inform you of the reasons for the delay and advise you of your right to lodge a complaint directly with ACFA. However in most circumstances the response from the Constantia Finance Partners Complaints Manager will be written and forwarded to you within 45 days, stating the reasons for reaching our decision/s.
In the event that the Constantia Finance Partners Complaints Manager rejects your complaint or you are dissatisfied with our remedy should we accept your complaint, we will remind you of your rights to have your complaint lodged with the ACFA. As a holder of Australian Credit Licence No. 485034, Constantia Finance Partners Pty Limited is required to be a member of an approved external dispute resolution (EDR) scheme such as the ACFA. The ACFA offers an impartial dispute resolution scheme to assist consumers to resolve complaints with participating financial services providers.
The ACFA can be contacted at:
Australian Financial Complaints Authority
Case Management Team
GPO Box 3
Melbourne VIC 3001
Phone: 1800 931 678
Please note than in receiving, investigating and deciding on a complaint, and in the recording of information for reporting purposes, Constantia Finance Partners will respect your privacy by complying with our obligations under the Privacy Act 1998. If at any stage of the process you wish to clarify any information, please do not hesitate to contact our Complaints Manager via email on